dim to red layer aura

Dim-to-Red Technology for Layers and Breeders

ONCE® Dim-to-Red® Technology for Layers and Breeders is designed with a deep red saturated light, with an added blue and green spectrum (for poultry vision). The enhanced red spectrum is the only spectrum which stimulates a hen’s hypothalamic and pineal oscillators, helping maintain circadian rhythms and promoting sexual maturity. It also stimulates the release of two reproduction regulating hormones essential for sexual maturation and daily egg production.

Hens housed under ONCE® AgriShift® lighting systems for Layers increased production by 8%—resulting in 28.6 more eggs over a 70 week laying cycle due to improved spectrum and light distribution when compared to regular CFL bulbs.

The natural sunrise and sunset simulation eliminates the stress inputs of abruptly switching lights on and off, lowering mortality and supporting immune responses.

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