our technology visual light aura


The Science Behind Our Technology

The light we see affects our mind and a wide variety of metabolic processes within our body. Eyes are undeniably one of our most important organs. It is where light penetrates the retina and stimulates multiple biological functions. The light we perceive is part of the electromagnetic spectrum our eyes can detect, known as the visible spectrum.

The Visible Light Spectrum

The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to, and can be detected by, the animal eye. There is no white or natural light “wavelength” because natural white light is a combination of different color wavelengths. A typical, healthy human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 400nm to 750nm. Different wavelengths indicate colors in the visible spectrum ranging from violet 400nm to 750nm deep red color with a significant sensitivity peak at 555nm green.

Ultraviolet (UV) light is an electromagnetic radiation not visible to humans. It has shorter wavelengths than visible light but longer wavelengths than X-ray radiation. UV light covers wavelengths from 100 to 400 nm and is divided into three subcategories:

UVA (400 – 315 nm) Visible to fish, insects and birds
UVB (315 – 280 nm) Used for vitamin D synthesis
UVC (280 – 100 nm) Germicidal radiation used to in the BioShift® Pass-Through Germicidal UV Chamber to strengthen bio-security. Learn about how UV light sterilization works.
Both UVA and UVB radiation pass through the earth’s atmosphere, reaching the surface, but UVC radiation is mostly absorbed by the ozone layer, never completely reaching land.



Animals See Different

The graphs below show photopic (day vision) relative spectral sensitivity of the human eye, the domestic fowl eye and typical swine eye.

The graphs below show photopic (day vision) relative spectral sensitivity of the human eye, the domestic fowl eye and typical swine eye.

Both the human (left) and poultry (middle) graphs show a similar sensitivity peak in the green spectrum. This is so humans and poultry can see well in the available light under green forest canopies, which was and is, part of the primary habitat of both. Poultry, however, are considerably more sensitive to red light and blue light and can see UV light (that humans do not). The graphs also clearly indicate that the relative photon catch is different for humans and poultry resulting in a very interesting fact: perceived light intensity is considerably higher for poultry.

Swine (right) view the world more subdued than humans and poultry do. They only see 2 (two) distinct colors, blue and green – with the highest sensitivity being green light. The spectrum drops off significantly before the color red, showing that pigs cannot see that color efficiently.

Our Technology:

The Secret is in Our Technology

As a global leader in agricultural LED lighting applications, we know how important it is to achieve results while improving animal welfare. That is why we focus on applying photo-biology and optogenetics to develop innovative technologies fueled by research.

ONCE® animal-centric lighting systems go beyond traditional LED technologies by studying the science of light specifically and exclusively for the agricultural market. It is the reason we are so successful at what we do, and why our products complement some of the world’s largest integrators and equipment manufacturers.

The Science is our foundation, while the secret to success is in Our Technology.

Watch how we strive to bring this natural part of life to animals:

Video Link: https://youtu.be/T1lYWA9adj8

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